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Some of anglers’ favorite fishing holes along U.S. Highway 395 should be extra enticing this season thanks to
supplemental stocking events sponsored by the County of Inyo.

Throughout the 2022 fishing season, approximately 2,000 extra pounds of rainbow trout will be stocked in Owens Valley waters from Big Pine to Independence as part of the County’s ongoing efforts to supplement fish planting conducted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The plants can be considered icing on the cake offered up every year by the CDFW, which, according to CDFW Inyo-Mono Senior Hatchery Supervisor Matt Norris, has planted 28,000 pounds of trout in 31 waters for the 2022 Fishing Opener alone. These waters stretch from Lee Vining in the north to Cottonwood Creek south of Lone Pine. As snow and ice begin to thaw, and with ample inventory, the CDFW anticipates being able to stock all 39 waters throughout the season.  Norris told attendees of a Bishop Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau-sponsored webinar on Tuesday that CDFW projects a “good year.”

Added to the bounty provided by CDFW will be approximately 4,000 catchable fish planted at the County- operated Baker Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Taboose Creek, and Independence Creek campgrounds. Inyo County will spend approximately $10,000 to purchase the trout from the private, artesian-fed rearing ponds at Desert Springs Trout Farm of Summer Lake, OR, which specializes in the sustainable rearing of trout ranging in size from 1/3 of a pound to trophy-size 3- to 6-pounders or larger. (The County is not allowed per state regulations to purchase fish from any private hatchery currently operating within California.)

The County has been sponsoring supplemental plants for more than two decades, and the typical schedule involves three plants throughout the season, with approximately 600 pounds of trout released into local creeks each time. Through its Parks & Recreation department, the County works with the vendor to ensure the planting events are done at strategic, peak times to augment CDFW stockings in those same waters, which are some of the area’s most popular fisheries.

The County recognizes the importance of fishing opportunities in Inyo County – not just to the tourist-based economy, but also in terms of providing a great experience to its campground visitors. As such, the County views its long-time stocking efforts as both a public service and ongoing investment in the economy. The County is also proud to join the regionwide effort by numerous other entities to supplement the work of the

The Bishop Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau, for example, will be matching funds with local resort owners to plant 8,000 pounds of trout in Bishop Creek Canyon this summer. These plants will be in addition to the stockings sponsored by the Chamber in February and March at Pleasant Valley Reservoir and the Owens River. These trout will be purchased from Wright’s Rainbows of Thatcher, ID.

“Inyo County is pleased to be able to add to the team effort to keep our lakes and streams full of catchable trout all season long,” said CAO Leslie Chapman. “The importance of fishing to our area cannot be understated, so it is also great to hear that CDFW anticipates a good season ahead.”

Information about Baker Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Taboose Creek, and Independence Creek and other campgrounds can be found at

A pre-Opener webinar hosted by the Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce – featuring updates on conditions, regulations, and fish stocking – can be viewed here.